It’s important to remember there is no perfect method for collecting data. Trade-offs are a normal part of the process, but by carefully reflecting on the who, when, and how, you can work towards getting as high a response rate as possible. Getting feedback from as many people as possible is key to having an impactful feedback process.
If you can, we recommend having a neutral party administer the survey. Why? Because some clients may not feel comfortable providing negative feedback if the staff they work with is in the room or sending them the survey.
Ideally, this neutral party would be someone with the language skills and cultural competency to make your clients feel safe and welcome.
Regardless of who administers the survey, it’s critical to assure clients that:
To bring everything together, it may be helpful to hold a short training for survey administrators. This will establish a consistent protocol and align everyone on how to communicate with clients.
Use this guide to prepare your colleagues or volunteers who will be administering your survey. It will help them explain the what, when, how, and why behind your organization’s feedback work.
Pick a time when your clients have the space to be reflective, objective, and honest. A time when they’re feeling rushed or when something particularly good or bad just happened is usually not the best time.
Consider the following:
To increase response rates, we sent an initial text about the survey after they first called our helpline, and also added gift cards as an incentive.
Determining your survey administration method(s) involves weighing a variety of trade-offs.
For instance, paper surveys may be more accessible for clients, but involve more administrative work when it comes to entering responses one by one into SurveyMonkey.
The method you choose will also have an impact on your response rate. Onsite surveys — delivered in person or during services or programming — tend to result in much higher response rates than offsite.
But offsite surveys — delivered remotely outside of services or programming — can provide greater confidentiality and flexibility for your clients.
Using incentives can also help boost participation in some cases. Review the table below to learn about the benefits, drawbacks, and median response rates (RR) of different survey administration methods based on previous L4G organizations.
Also, keep in mind that a variety of interrelated factors, like your service model and the size/scale of your client population and data collection effort, will impact your response rate in addition to your data collection method(s).
We started with computer set up, but students were afraid they'd be photographed, so we switched to cell phones, but still there was a fear of being identified, so now we use paper surveys.
* Median response rates (RR) based on previous L4G organizations. **Currently there is insufficient data to provide average response rates for this method.
Do your survey administration methods take into account your clients’ comfort level and access to technology? For example, if your clients do not have consistent internet access, phone interviews or mailing out paper surveys might be a better method.
Do you have a plan to make sure demographic groups that are underrepresented in your client base are prioritized in your outreach efforts?
Have you trained your staff to provide the survey in a way that will promote candor and assure clients that they will not lose service access as a result of their feedback?